Residency & Public Access
CCM Residency Program
The Center for Contemporary Music offers short-term residencies to guest artists every academic year. Artists are encouraged to submit proposals that utilize the resources of the CCM in the creation of new work and involve the artist in interaction with students and the outside community as much as possible. Residencies may take the form of research or development of a composition using studio equipment and CCM facilities. Projects typically incorporate some aspect of electronic technology in their realization. The residency concludes with a performance, lecture, or demonstration that is open to the public. Composers-in-Residence receive an honorarium of $250 at the end of their residency. No additional support is available for travel or lodging.
Proposals are accepted throughout the year and are reviewed each June, at which time up to two residencies are awarded for the coming academic year. To apply for a residency, please submit a one- to two-page description of your project including equipment and facilities requirements, your desired length of residency, a short resume, and a CD containing examples of your work by June 1st.
CCM Public Access Program
CCM also makes its facilities available to artists in the community. Composers and artists are encouraged to propose projects to CCM, and if approved, the center will provide limited blocks of studio time along with a graduate assistant for technical help at reasonable rates. This program is primarily reserved for recording finished compositions or instructional services, of which the purpose is basically educational. These projects are undertaken as studio and graduate assistant schedules permit. To apply for a public access project, please submit a one-page description of your project along with a CD of your work and an estimate of the studio time required.
Proposals for Residency or Public Access Programs
Please submit your proposals to:
James Fei, CCM Director
The Center for Contemporary Music
Mills College
5000 MacArthur Blvd.
Oakland, California 94613
For questions, please contact 510.430.2329 or email